Jeremiah Joven Joaquin (De La Salle University, Manila, Philippines): "Deliberation and Credence Gluts"
Giorgio Lando & Massimiliano Carrara (Università degli Studi di Padova, Italy; Università degli Studi dell’Aquila, Italy): "Fractional Counting and Possible Parts"
Jitai Zhang (Free University of Berlin): "Art as Modally-Improvising Action and as Source for Renewing Moral Judgment"
Robin Timothée Bianchi (Université de Neuchâtel, Switzerland): "The Scope of Causal Agency"
William Moorfoot (University of Southampton, the United Kingdom): "In Defence of Indeterministic Building"
Sungil Han (Seoul National University, South Korea): "Substantial Independence"
James Clark Ross (University of Southampton, the United Kingdom): "Grounding and Causation"
Dirk Franken (University of Münster, Germany): "Essentialism, Potentialism, and Modal Pluralism"
Karol Polcyn (University of Szczecin, Poland): "Conceivability, Possibility, and the Mind-Body Problem"
James Marks (University of Colorado, Boulder, USA): "Pluralism, Monism, and Possible Worlds"
Giorgio Lenta (Università degli Studi di Genova, Italy): "The Hyperintensional Variant of Kaplan’s Paradox"
Monika Morkūnaitė (Vilnius University, Lithuania): "The Prospects of Theistic Modalism"
Michael Nelson (University of California, Riverside, USA): "Defending an Ockhamist Constraint on Agential Abilities"
Tingjiang Kuang (University of Edinburgh, Scotland): "Possibilism and the “Wrong Kind of Object” Problem"
Giulia Casini (University of Nottingham, United Kingdom): Counterpossibles for Potentialists?"
Jonas Amar (Ecole Normale Supérieure, France; Freie Universität, Germany): "Necessary Perfect Masks Through the Holistic Glass"
Dakota Jones (University of Virginia, USA): "Streamlining the Problems of Modal Epistemology"
Pauline Souman (Université de Neuchâtel, Switzerland): Non-Human Agents: the Case of Artifacts"
Ethan Brauer (University of Oslo, Norway): "Who Needs the Plural Account of Worlds?"
Giacomo Giannini (HHU Duesseldorf, Germany) & Michael Wallner (University of Graz, Austria): "Essential Dependence Is Not Fundamentality-Inducing"
Stefano Pigliacelli (University of Turin, Italy): "Compositionality And Impossible Worlds Semantics: A Dilemma"
Theodore D. Locke (University of Massachusetts, Boston, USA): "Title: A Modal Approach to Cultivating Intersubjective Values"
Alexandru Dragomir (University of Bucharest, Romania) & Mihai Rusu (Babeș-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania): "Are Philosophers Modal Experts? A Re ply to Kilov and Hendy"
Jarred Snodgrass (University of St. Andrews, Scotland): "On the Hyperintensions of Properties"
Giacomo Giannini (HHU Duesseldorf, Germany): "Dissolving the Problem of Necessary Perfect Masks"
Riccardo Baratella (University of Genoa, Italy): "Massy-Processes as Aristotelian Universals"
Nathan Wildman (Tilburg University, Netherlands): "Not an Argument Against Aristotelian Univerals"
Enda Russell (University of Dublin, Ireland): "Quinean Propositional Contingentism"
Adam Russell Murray (University of Manitoba, Canada): "Kinds, Essence, and Contingency"
M.J. García Encinas (University of Granada, Spain): "It Is Impossible To Conceive Its Negation, Therefore It Is Necessarily the Case"
Karol Lenart (University of Warsaw, Poland): "Against Ersatzist Counterpart Theory"
Michael De (Utrecht University, the Netherlands): "Do Sets Have Their Members Essentially?"
Erman Kar (Cankiri Karatekin University, Turkey): "Universality of Aristotelian Substances: Universals as the Object of Definition and Knowledge"